- Version 4.0.0
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LandGrab is a game developed by Goose.
gooseweb.ioDeveloped in PHP with CodeIgniter 3 and the Google Maps API. You can view and contribute to this project on GitHub. All Rights Reserved.
github.com/goosehub/landgrabSpecial Thanks goes to Google Maps, The StackExchange Network, GleamPlay, CSS-Tricks, Extra Credits itHare, EllisLabs and British Columbia Institute of Technology for providing CodeIgniter, me on the left, /s4s/, llamaseatsocks, Anonymous, Ricky, the rest of the Beta Testers, and all my users. Thank you!
Why does it say I claimed the land, but it's the wrong color?
This happens when you get a land and update your map at the exact same time. It is somewhat rare and difficult to fix, but I am working on it.
Can you make a map with smaller squares?
The map currently consists of 15,000+ squares. Any more would be pushing most computers and browsers beyond its limits.
Can water squares be seperate from land squares?
This game is built on the Google Maps API. It does not tell me if a square of coords have land or not. It would need to be manually entered for each of the squares. There's also the sticky case of what counts as land or water (islands). At the moment, there's no plans to seperate the two.
Can you make it so new users can't start inside my land?
New users have to start somewhere. They can take any unfortified land. Also, calculating connected walls for each action requires a large amount of path finding logic that is currently not possible if it was desired.
Please report all bugs to goosepostbox@gmail.com
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